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Jamie Zahasky

We make you feel welcome right from the start.

I started my education at a design school in Chicago, thinking I wanted to be a fashion designer or buyer. During my first year, I had to take an accounting class, and oddly enough, I couldn’t put the material down. I wanted to learn everything I could about accounting, so I transferred to UNI and changed my major. Although they are radically different career choices, design and accounting are both a part of who I am. 

Who is your hero and why?

My kids—they hold me accountable and amaze me every day.

What do you do in your spare time?

Running. I’m chasing my dream of winning that next marathon. In Spring 2019, I won my first marathon, the CRANDIC that goes from Iowa City to Cedar Rapids. My favorite race to date was the Pikes Peak Marathon in Colorado. It was my first trail run and the first mountain I climbed while running. Turns out running down a mountain is harder than you would think!

What is your favorite place in Iowa?

Decorah, my hometown in Northeast Iowa. My family and I like to go back to visit friends and family and enjoy all the things Decorah has to offer—hiking, biking, fishing, canoeing, and of course, breweries. 

University of Northern Iowa

(319) 248-4805