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3 Benefits of Retro-Commissioning

October 6th, 2022 | 6 min. read

3 Benefits of Retro-Commissioning

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Commissioning is the process of analyzing a building’s systems to confirm they are working correctly and prevent operational inefficiencies. The service is often an additional project cost that provides a return on investment through energy savings and improved occupant comfort. 

Commissioning agents act as neutral third parties who review design documents and construction work—but their expertise is not limited to new construction. Owners can also hire commissioning agents to analyze an existing building, a process known as retro-commissioning. 

Although retro-commissioning does not always involve an architect, we recommend the service to anyone wanting to improve building performance. It can either be the first step in a renovation or help you gradually improve performance over time. 

This article will define retro-commissioning and explain its benefits, helping you decide if the service fits your needs. 

What is Retro-Commissioning? 

Retro-commissioning is the process of analyzing and optimizing an existing building’s systems. It helps you identify inefficiencies and create a plan for improving performance. 

While some building codes and jurisdictions require commissioning for the design and construction of new buildings, retro-commissioning is normally an elected service. Though not required, it can help your building run optimally throughout its lifetime. 

Commissioning agents look at the building holistically by analyzing heating, cooling, and electrical systems. They can also analyze renewable energy systems like solar arrays and geothermal pumps. 

After analysis, a commissioning agent can help you create a long-term plan for improving your building’s systems. Energy savings often make up for initial improvement costs and can  provide return on investment within months. 

Depending on your needs, a commissioning agent can also help you develop a plan for capital improvements or a renovation. You can consult commissioning agents before bringing an architect on board, and the commissioning agent can stay involved to review design plans and construction work. 

What Are the Benefits of Retro-Commissioning? 

Retro-commissioning offers many benefits. Whether you optimize existing systems or invest in new ones, you will likely see a return on investment through decreased energy costs and improved occupant comfort.

1. Energy Savings 

Energy is often a building owner’s greatest expense. According to the Department of Energy, heating and cooling systems account for 35% of a building’s total energy costs. Major appliances account for 18%, and lighting accounts for 11%. 

These systems can use more energy if not properly maintained. Outdated mechanical parts, malfunctioning thermostats, or inefficient daylight sensors can result in wasted energy and increased costs. Periodically analyzing all systems can help maintain efficiency over a building’s lifetime.  

2. Improved Occupant Comfort 

Retro-commissioning is also known to improve occupant comfort. Thermal comfort complaints often point to a mechanical problem. Broken parts, pressure issues, or a combination of many problems can all result in occupants feeling too hot or too cold. 

Without a full system check, it can be hard to find the root of the problem. A holistic analysis from a commissioning agent can help you find any inefficiencies that may impact occupant wellbeing. 

3. Long-Term Planning 

As buildings age, they need more maintenance to operate at peak performance. Unfortunately, it can be hard to keep track of updates and improvements, and putting them off can result in larger, more expensive problems in the future. 

A commissioning agent can help you develop a long-term plan for systems maintenance. Whether your building needs minor tweaks or large-scale capital improvements, it helps to have a step-by-step guide, so you can plan and budget accordingly. 

We recommend retro-commissioning every five to ten years to stay on top of aging systems. 

Learn More About Building Operations 

Commissioning is not limited to design and construction. By investing in retro-commissioning, you can help your building maintain its efficiency over its lifetime. 

Remember: retro-commissioning is not simply building maintenance. It is a holistic analysis of your building’s mechanical, electrical, and lighting systems. Consulting a commissioning agent once every five to ten years will allow you to stay on top of periodic maintenance. 

In addition to commissioning agents, you can bring questions about your building to your architect. Learn how your architect will work with you after the building is complete by reading about post-occupancy evaluations.