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Dave Zahradnik

By: Dave Zahradnik
May 22nd, 2024

Building projects require extensive planning and preparation. Before starting design work, owners need a site, a budget, and a list of spaces and goals.

By: Dave Zahradnik
April 2nd, 2024

Community engagement is a cornerstone of a successful building project. For municipalities and public schools, it helps ensure the completed project meets local needs and provides necessary amenities. Similarly, engaging residents can help corporations and private clients build excitement for a project, attract talent, and cultivate community connections.

By: Dave Zahradnik
November 21st, 2023

Architectural fees can vary significantly depending on the firm and project. When searching for an architect, clients are likely to encounter not only different costs but different fee structures as well.

By: Dave Zahradnik
November 16th, 2023

Although energy efficiency improvements lower the long-term cost of building ownership, they can add to a project’s initial construction budget. Thankfully, there are many programs available to help offset these initial costs and make the investment in high-performing building systems more feasible.

By: Dave Zahradnik
May 4th, 2023

A visioning workshop is one of the first steps of the architectural process. It is an opportunity to engage everyday building occupants, get their input, and set high-level project goals.

By: Dave Zahradnik
March 29th, 2023

Every industry has its jargon—and the construction industry is no exception. Throughout construction, your architect should guide you through the process and facilitate communication with your contractor.

By: Dave Zahradnik
March 2nd, 2023

The architectural process starts with gathering input from project stakeholders and setting goals. Before your architect can put pen to paper, they need to understand your organization and the needs of occupants.

By: Dave Zahradnik
August 9th, 2022

Hiring an architect is a big decision. Depending on your project’s scope, you may work with the same team for months or even years. It’s important to research your options and find someone who understands your goals.

By: Dave Zahradnik
February 14th, 2022

A master plan provides a long-term overview of your organization’s growth and development. It outlines future building projects, breaks down budget requirements, and helps you secure and allocate funding.

By: Dave Zahradnik
November 4th, 2021

Estimating architecture fees is not easy, and if you are starting your first building project, you might be struggling to get a straightforward quote. Even a simple Google search for “architecture fees” brings up inconsistent results. For many, the lack of clarity can be confusing and frustrating.